Site Info

Not much to add yet, since this site is new! It's published in February 2019.
Why does this site exist?
After I found Neocities in January 2019 I was amazed. A free website hosting where you can code your stuff all by yourself? I had had an art site back in 2007 and I maintained it over 10 years, so now after finding Neocities I had to open a website again, but didn't want to buy my own domain, yet. It's hard to find a personal art gallery website nowadays, when everyone just post their stuff on Deviantart, Tumblr or Twitter, for example. I like these personal looking websites more. They're more cozy and interesting looking! So, a perfect solution for me, at least.
All the material on this site is © Qkudu, unless otherwise stated. You may not copy or repost anything from here while calling it yours. Credit, and link me back if you post anything on any site.
The footer buttons at the "Stuff" area are not mine, but free to use. You are also free to use my buttons to link my site. I'd appreciate it so much! <3
The guestbook belongs to and the site is hosted on Neocities. The fonts are from Dafont and Google Fonts.